Fit Families for Cenla was able to design, and fund the launching of, a Share the Road license plate for the State of Louisiana. These Share the Road license plates are available for purchase. The cost is only $25 more than the regular renewal fee.
The funds received from the plates support improvements to biking/pedestrian safety in Louisiana through activities such as road signage throughout the State on roads frequently traveled by cyclists.
Obtaining a Share the Road plate is very easy. Follow the procedure below and you can have a plate in approximately two weeks.
• Contact or visit Baton Rouge DMV (225-925-6371).
• Inform DMV you are interested in a SharetheRoad license plate.
• Cost is renewal fee plus $25. This currently is a one- time charge.
• Send a copy of the vehicle registration, proof of insurance, and a check to:
DMV, Attn: Special Plates Unit
P.O. Box 64886 | Baton Rouge, LA 70896

• You can go online at
• Click “view online services” (under express lane to the left of the picture of the car)
• Go to “license plates services” and click on “special plates”
• Click at the bottom – “continue”
• Put in your license plate number
• Look under “select one special plate”
• Scroll down to “special interest” category
• Click “Share the Road” (a picture of the plate will be shown on the right)
• This will automatically calculate your initial fee and the term of the plate
• Click “ordering details”
• This will bring up the box giving you details on where to mail a copy of registration and proof of insurance.
• Click “order form”
• Complete information on “order form” then print and mail to DMV. Once you receive your new license late then you are to destroy your old plate. You do not have to mail it or take it back to the DMV. Fit Families for Cenla does have representation on the local and state bicyclist/pedestrian technical advisory committees that represent the interests of safe cycling and walking in Central Louisiana. If you are interested in the future of bike/pedestrian safety, please show your support. Please forward, or give, this information to your family, friends, and coworkers who live anywhere in the state. You do not have to be a Fit Family member or a part of Fit Families to purchase this plate.