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Feb 24, 2022
In General Discussions
Imagine a world where writing content for your business was as easy as stringing together a few sentences on your computer screen and clicking "publish." Wouldn't that be the dream? However, as we all know, things cannot be that simple, especially in today's competitive business world. But it's not just about the content you post on your websites, like blogs and articles. In fact, the content you include in your emails is just as important to making sure you're doing well. Email is still known to be one of the most effective forms of marketing, even more so than advertising on a website or social media! But that doesn't make the process any easier. When it comes to writing emails for your business , here are eight key things to remember to ensure your emails are great for your readers and get the results you desire. #1 – Define your process and get organized Before you start writing our emails and putting your fingers to the keyboard, you need to make sure you're organized and ready for the content you're about to produce. To make this easier, let's break the whole process down into seven steps : Ideas (brainstorming) Research Writing Editing Proofreading Editing Analyzing “ These are the seven basic steps you will follow when writing your emails. However, some of your processes may include more or fewer steps; it entirely depends on what your business is aiming to achieve. With these steps in mind, be sure to be proactive in making sure you have E-Commerce Photo Editing Service everything ready at every step, so you can be as organized as possible ,” shares Elizabeth Holder, Email Marketer for Big Assignments. . For example, while the ideas stage might simply require a meeting with your team where you organize your thoughts and topic ideas, the research section is where you will gather all the information you will need so that you don't not mess up your writing flow. at a later date. #2 – Get Down and Personal When it comes to writing emails, you need to make sure you put yourself in the mind of your reader and think about how they will read your emails and what experience they will have. have by reading it, rather than how email can benefit your business. For example, one of the most common pitfalls people fall into is not being personal in their emails and respecting the reader as an individual. If you constantly refer to your readers as "followers" or "subscribers", you are in the trap. Although people aspire to be part of a social group or community, individuality is also vital, and as a customer, a reader of your emails wants to be respected as such. Also, make sure that the content you include in your emails is really worth talking about . Your readers will feel very disrespected by your company if you send them email after email with content about things that are insignificant or just don't matter to them. Chances are you will end up in the spam folder.
Feb 24, 2022
In General Discussions
A /B testing , also known as split testing, involves submitting two or more different versions of the same message to a sample of recipients, analyzing the reaction to each version, and determining which is more effective . Testing is in the DNA of digital marketing. It only takes a few things to compare different versions of a campaign: subject line, design, header, and copy . It is basically possible to test everything. Let’s look at some aspects of the subject line that can be tested to increase open rates . Approach: affirmative or interrogative? Okay, that's a nuance, but it has important implications. All it takes is a simple inflection to create an increase or decrease in open rates. The company must have had good reasons for choosing the interrogative variant. Who knows, maybe the company chose to do this through A/B testing. Use of capital letters While an all-caps subject line isn't recommended (see spam section above), using all-caps in a word could give a big boost to open rates. Also in this case, A/B testing reveals which version will perform better. The use of emojis Worrying or pleasant? Emojis are small elements that are as frivolous as they are flashy. But precisely because of their ability to insert something lively into an entirely text-based element, they can often push open rates to increase. A field to experiment, trying different emojis. A/B testing is essential for anyone working in email marketing. That's why we offer Mail Up : just request a 30-day free trial, and you'll have access to all the A/B testing E-Commerce Photo Editing Service features of the MailUp platform. Let's imagine welcoming a totally unknown client or, conversely, recognizing the client, greeting him by name, knowing what his job is, and in what field he works. The dynamic field works exactly this way, personalizing emails. Also known as dynamic tags, dynamic field is the feature that allows you to create special placeholder codes to personalize posts. These placeholders are automatically replaced with recipient data when a message is delivered. These are items enclosed in square brackets (such as [name]) that the platform recognizes and replaces with the correct value for each recipient. If someone calls us by our name, we are bound to pay more attention . This is not only true in the real world, but also in the online world. Everything about dynamic fields, from their possible uses to their configuration Find out what works best with A/B testing A /B testing , also known as split testing, involves submitting two or more different versions of the same message to a sample of recipients, analyzing the reaction to each version, and determining which is more effective . Testing is in the DNA of digital marketing. It only takes a few things to compare different versions of a campaign: subject line, design, header, and copy . It is basically possible to test everything. Let’s look at some aspects of the subject line that can be tested to increase open rates .
Feb 24, 2022
In General Discussions
Here is a quick preview of our video tutorial on how to design bulletproof CTA button from Skillcrush email in BEE email editor: A step-by-step guide to the BEE editor Let 's see how to easily create a stellar CTA button in BEE editor, where we have full customization of width, border radius, border color, padding and color and text style. Bulletproof CTA with BEE To get started, we took a few minutes to recreate the top portion of the Skillcrush email, populating a basic one-column template with the header image and intro content. Now, let's create our button! From the Structure menu on the right, we'll grab a button content block and simply drag it into our email body. Bulletproof CTA with BEE Note that the default button is blue, rectangular, and centered on the page: CTA button But we can do a lot to personalize it ! As we type, the button automatically expands to fit our content: Bulletproof CTA We can keep our default font color (white , font family (Arial), and font size (16px), but we'll make our message bold (and be sure to type all caps). full button width It's easy to stretch the button across the width of the email body . Back in the Content Properties menu , we 'll adjust the width slider to the right, up to 100%. From a design perspective, the full Image Masking Service width makes sense : it mirrors the Skillcrush header at the top of the email, providing aesthetic balance, and it also gives mobile readers more room to click. CTA content width The final touch Under Content Padding , we'll make sure to have 5 px padding at the top and bottom. Let's also not forget to insert a link to the button : in the same Properties menu of the content from which we worked, we will scroll down to the Action section and paste our link. Bulletproof CTA Now we have a fully functional bulletproof CTA button , same as Skillcrush email! Wasn't it easy? Bulletproof CTA - done! If you want to further customize the CTA button, here are some additional button design settings in the BEE editor: border radius You can adjust the border radius to change the shape of your button . From a design perspective, rectangular elements generally evoke a sense of traditionalism, practicality and balance, while circular elements can be perceived as softer and soothing. border radius Here is a rounded version of our CTA button after adjusting the radius to 25px: Bulletproof CTA with rounded edges Button padding We can also make the button taller (or shorter) : make sure the "More options" button is enabled in the Content Padding section and increase the top and bottom padding.
Feb 23, 2022
In General Discussions
While it's important to focus on the subject line, it's essential that you consider your reader's entire experience when searching through their email. This means that you not only have your subject line, but also the extra bit of text afterwards . A professional subject line will implement this pretext because it gives you a lot more space to play with your message and lets you get really creative . Sure, your subject line will be bold and need to stand out, but to make your message open, it's a great idea to combine these two elements. Thanks to automated emails, you can now continue to personalize your emails thanks to all the data you may have within your mailing lists. This lets you create dedicated emails where you can include a person's name, location, or other demographic information about them . Of course, the more personalized the email, the more likely they are to refer to and open it, especially when that personalized subject line is embedded E-Commerce Photo Editing Service and combined with a personalized pre-text line . #4 – Write perfectly and of the highest quality If a reader scrolls through their inbox and types in your subject line, but it's littered with typos , mistakes , or grammatical errors , do you think they'll click to read? the rest of your email? Would you? Writing your headlines with the highest quality possible is the best way to grab your reader's attention and give them the confidence and knowledge that the email content inside is of the quality that they are. he's looking for. Here are some online tools that can help you; Populist Writing / Let Go and Learn These two resources are full of information, tips and advice on how to spot grammar problems and guides on how to use grammar correctly. Paper Fellows / Assignment Helpers These are two leading online proofreading tools packed with everything you need to highlight mistakes and mistakes and then correct them; highly rated by Revieweal. Studydemic / Academadvisor These are two writing blogs full of information on how to improve your general writing skills, improve your tone of voice, and choose the right words for your titles. OXEssays / Boomessays Use these two online editing tools to improve the quality of the structure of your titles and guarantee their readability; as reviewed by editorial services. #5 – Experiment with Listicles Lists are, by far, one of the most popular forms of online content, as they are easy to consume, generally have a good balance between words and images , and can present a lot of information in an easily digestible format. . Email readers know this and appreciate these kinds of articles, which is why they are more likely to click on them when the subject line suggests it. For example, you can use titles like;
Feb 23, 2022
In General Discussions
The first step is to create an email template , or structure, that will contain your latest blog posts from time to time. You can use a template saved in the My Templates section or create it from scratch. How? 'Or' What? Enter BEE, MailUp's built-in email editor, and choose one of many templates with a default structure . What you need to create is: A header A sort of cover image for the email that makes the email recognizable week after week. A footer To communicate the contact details of the brand sending the email and offer the possibility to unsubscribe or share on social networks. Here is the model we use as an example: The email template 2. Insert the personalized lines Now that we have the skeleton, we can continue with inserting custom rows: Click on Lines in the menu on the right in BEE Click on the drop- down menu Click Search Content , the new list item that lets you access new custom line commands. Custom lines This screen will appear: E-Commerce Photo Editing Service Custom lines Select the source with your content (in our case blog posts) Select the layout , choosing between rows that are stacked on top of each other, side-by-side, or arranged in rows of three and four (we chose the first option in our example) Select image position (top, right, left, etc.) Personalized lines in MailUp Choose whether or not to repeat the selected layout and the number of repetitions (in our example we repeat the layout three times, imagining that we will have three weekly news to communicate) Once the lines have been refined, you have two choices: Add latest content To automatically fetch the latest content in chronological order that has been uploaded to the source Finding and ordering content This is an important innovation, as it allows you to manually choose the content to insert and the order in which to place it. We chose the latter method for our example because we want to insert the Christmas message first; although it is not the most recently published article, it is the most relevant to our audience. Personalized lines in MailUp After choosing content blocks, you will find them in the menu on the right. Personalized lines in MailUp Now just drag the lines into the body of the email . This is what the email looks like with the previously chosen settings: The full email 3. Refine layout and content in detail Is there anything that does not convince you in the newly created layout?


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